Deepak Somani

Ph.D. student at EPFL

Curriculum vitae


École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Some other side and self projects

Have a look at some of my course and self projects


Want to extract data values of a colormap from a paper/article, and unable to find a code for that: Here is the solution!

Github Repository

CFD for Lid-Cavity:


LAMMPS code built-up to calculate and extract the elastic constants of any desired structure.

Github Repository

Image: Varied shear stress analysis on Copper atoms:


LAMMPS and Atomsk code for creating defects: (screw-dislocation, edge-dislocation, vacancy, grain-boundaries with random/desired properties, stacking-fault, kink, etc.) in a crystal structure. (Will add the code soon!)

Hydrocarbon molecules in Carbon Nanotube:

Small hydrocarbons (for example: methane here) shows exceptional behaviour to reside inside the carbon nanotubes in comparison to long hydrocarbon chains.

Beam-Modal Analysis with varying density along lateral axis: 

Below is the video of the simulation. (Sorry for the poor contrast!)

Forklift - Kinematic Simulation:

CFD Simulation for bubble columns
Will add the code and simulation videos soon!

Gross and National Happiness Project on "Preservation of Environment"

Survey project, associated with an article that can be found in the publication section.



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